Word-Filled Wednesday

And we know
that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called

according to His purpose

Romans 8:28

I am grateful today that in the midst of frustrations and trials we can still say that we are safe in His loving arms. It’s sad to think of the loss of our baby but God works for good.

Thank you to all who prayed for me. I’m okay now, as far as health is concerned. We are just coping with the new change. It’s sudden and hurting but life is like that. I still need an operation for the myoma to be gone. Now, this verse is real to us these days and I’m blessed to have Jesus.

Please visit PennyRaine for more posts and be blessed.


15 thoughts on “Word-Filled Wednesday”

  1. Oh Sarah, I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but we believe that baby waits to meet you again soon in heaven.
    I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers…you are right, God does work for GOOD, ALL the time..and His plans are not ours…

    peace on this journey,

  2. God is so wise to be mistaken, He is too good to be unkind, but when things don't go as planned and we don't understand and you can't trace His hand, just TRUST HIS HEART.

  3. sorry, I hit reply too fast! ack,

    I am sorry for you loss as well. His ways are not our ways.. and though we don't understand we know he has reasons. hugs and prayers for you!

  4. Be strong and keep your faith Ate Sarah. God works for the our good. His plan may not seemed be rational on our limited mind, but His plan is the best for us.

    He's probably preparing you for a greater ministry.

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss, sister. But as you said, you have JESUS and you will see your little one again one day.

    That is a wonderful scripture.


  6. Oh I'm sorry to hear that Sarah. It's good that you have a very positive attitude towards what happened to your baby. Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite verses and it confirms God's faithfulness to all His children. We may never know the whys and wherefores of everything that happens to us but we can always be sure that they are good according to God's purpose in our lives. Let us just continue to trust Him that He will always do what is best for all of us. Thanks for that very inspiring post. I am still praying for you. God bless you all always.

  7. hi sarah…just knew it from mommy's corner. I got miscarriage too…but I know all things work together for good! God has his best plan.

    I did not had the courage to share. I am like that..am so much outspoken if its blessings and happiness but if sad things and frustrations, I can't dare to share sometimes! I just want to heal it first..hehh!

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