Yummy Sunday- Indian Curry

Have you tried an Indian food? I tried cooking this food last time and it’s delicious too. It is known as Indian Curry. I love to try cooking other food aside from our very own. I can already cook Thai and Indian food, you bet? lol! Cooking is not really my passion but when my family asked me to cook something I will try to do it. It’s spicy but delicious! My teenager ate to the max, haha!

Try to visit Boogie with her Perfectly Blended for more Yummy Sunday posts.


Then Sings my Soul Saturdays

One of the songs that I love most during Christmas is this song, “We are the Reason.” We are the reason that our Saviour Jesus Christ died on the cross. Christmas is a reminder that Jesus was born, but it wasn’t ended there, He suffered, died and rose again on the third day and rose up to heaven with the Father. It’s good news. Jesus came to set us free. We used to sing this song when I was studying and trained singers too in our place in the Phil. I really love this song.

Amy with her Signs, Miracles and Wonders has a lot to share, try to visit her. A blessed weekend to all!
