Security Consultants

Security Consultants? Who are they? When my hubby was still single, he used to work in a security agency because he had a military training when he was still young. He trained security guards and even some of the policemen and armies in our place. He also became a security consultant during that time.

He was connected with other agencies and did a lot of firearms training. He met a lot of people and was connected to many consultants not only in the Phil. but other countries. More than a decade ago we found this firearms training in Los Angeles, California. My hubby has still the love for it. When he heard anything about this he would easily listen and it will get his attention. There is one of a kind program that will keep you challenged and motivated. It’s a online guard training for those who are willing to be counted. It’s always the desire of my hubby and I guess, he will be interested if given a chance.

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