My Preparations

Thinking of my operation I refrain. I don’t want to think of it. But I still can’t flee away from it. It’s only 2 weeks left and I will fly back to the Phil. to prepare for my myoma operation. It’s tough to think of it, it’s tougher when I will be there in front of the so called operation thing…

But since I had miscarriage few weeks ago and had big myoma (like an apple) I have to, no choice whatsoever. But leaving hubby behind seems like tearing my heart open wide. Few weeks ago until we celebrated Valentine’s Day, I don’t have this feeling, just this day that hubby was reminding me to prepare what I need to bring. Thinking of it all, I don’t know, I don’t understand my feelings. But I have no choice as what I have said, hubby will have a hard time to take care of me here, since we don’t have a family, although we have friends here and there but it’s different when it’s your family that would take care of you.

Thank you for friends who really care – our friends in Thailand, Malaysia, Phil, all throughout the world who constantly praying for me. I even thank my blogger friends here and there, for all your prayers and support, I’m blessed to know you all. The Lord will continue to bless you and your ministry as well because we always believe that He who Promised is Faithful. Our God is faithful to provide everything and to bless His children.

Please help me pray for strength, it’s not so easy, though my friends would always say, it’s okay it’s not dangerous, but to think of an operation, for me, is not a joke, I had no experience on that thing, and I might be scared, but then, I trust God, the maker of heaven and earth and the giver of life. I just need your prayers, it will really make a difference and God will be glorified. I will let you know more here of how faithful our God is… Blessings to all!

4 thoughts on “My Preparations”

  1. oh my…so so sorry to hear about the miscarriage te…did not no about it….:(

    so you are going to pinas? you will be fine…my mom underwent a myoma surgery a few years ago…am praying for your fast recovery te….good luck!

  2. Prayers for you! And for your husband and children while you are away. Lean on the Lord for your strength and praying for a speedy recovery!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (yay! a few days off from work, so am catching up a little on my blog reads… I have housework organizing and drawing orders to get to too :o)

  3. I'm really so sorry to hear about the loss,I din't know about it.
    I hope you get well soon.May God give you all the strength upon facing challenges like these.
    I'm sending you my prayers when you flew back home to P.I

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