Cris Birthday Bash Contest – Win Fabulous Prizes

Wonderful Things In Life

Birthdays are something that we treasure. I believe everyone in this world will always give preparations, with expectations on what will happen on his or her birthday, and of course will never forget their birthdays.

Today as I checked my blog I saw this kind of contest. I’m glad that many are celebrating birthdays in March and that includes myself. I will be celebrating my birthday on Thursday.

Anyway, momgen of “Wonderful Things in Life” hosted this contest. Her son Cris will celebrate his 3rd birthday on March 31 so she decided to have this contest. I agree to what others have said about her that she is the “Contest Queen.” Yes, she has been hosting a lot of contests on line. You can check her blog.

I love the month of March. And I joined contests in this month too. Thanks for all the hosts.

Here’s how to join: (The Rules of the Contest)

1. The blog should be at least 2 months old and updated.
2. The post should be original not copied from the host momgen. Be creative.
3. She has the authority to change or modify the contest prizes or any of the procedures of the contest.

Mechanics of the Contest:

1. Blog about this contest with the sponsors links. – (required) 5 points
2. Subscribe from her blog. Only one email per person (required) 4 points
3. Put the contest banner in your sidebar – (required) 2 points

Wonderful Things In Life

Wonderful Things In Life

4. Put your location with your comment to the contest – (required) 2 points

To submit the entries:

* Blog Entry:
* Subscribe email:
* Banner:
* Location + comment:
* Subscribe to the store/s:(write the email add you use)
* Digg: (username)
* Technorati: (username)
* Stumbleupon: (username)
* Followed: (write the link whom you follow)
* Total Points:

Here are the fabulous prizes!!! You will really love it!

First Prize: 22,500
* 5000 EC – The Joy Of Life Forever
* 4000 EC – My Life’s Adventure
* 4000 EC – Life’s Adventure
* 4000 EC – My Online Adventures
* 2000 EC – The Designers Blog
* 1000 EC – The Fountain Of Happiness
* 500 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Thoughts & Beyond
* 500 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Tere’s World
* 500 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – New life on Our Own
* 500 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Songs Lyrics Collection
* 500 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Free Text Messages SMS & Quotes
* 125×125 ad space for 2 months – Love Is A Perfect Gift
* Blog review –
* Domain plus Blog Hosting – Pinay Mommy Online
* $25 Gift Card – Rockerchic Online Store

Second Prize: 17,000
* 3500 EC – Guilty Pleasure
* 3000 EC – Chuchies’s Hideaway
* 2000 EC – Simplement Belles
* 2000 EC – Cookings’ Fun
* 2000 EC – WhereAbouts
* 2000 EC – Seek No More
* 1500 EC – Twinkletoe Writing Space
* 1000 EC – Blessings and Beyond
* 125 x 125 widget ad – Dancing in Midlife Tune
* 125×125 Ads space for 1month –
* 125×125 Ads space for 1month – MyCandypastel
* website review – Health Is Wealth
* 1yr. domain – Joyoz Photography
* $10 coupon – Mea Culpa Body and bath’s page

Third Prize: 14,000
* 1500 EC – Nesting Buddy
* 1500 EC – Mommy’s Little Corner
* 1500 EC – Things About Computer
* 1000 EC – Life and Scraps
* 1000 EC – Lourdes’ Mia
* 1000 Ec – Mommy Emotes
* 1000 EC – Moolah Musings
* 1000 EC – ILUV Contests
* 1000 EC – The Ruby Posts
* 1000 EC – Budget Blogging
* 1000 EC – Micah Izabel
* 1000 EC – Beyond Feron dot Com
* 125X125 ad space for 2 months – Hot in Singapore
* 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Survivor: The Reality Of My Life
* 125×125 ad space for 2 weeks – Walkingnewspaper
* 125×125 ad space for 2 weeks – of being a Medical Student
* Blog makeover – Femikey’s Design
* Fused glass pendant of your choice – Luckygirltrading Etsy Shop(pic is here)

Fourth Prize: 10,000
* 1000 EC – Eastcoastlife
* 1000 EC – I Thought So
* 1000 EC – My Piece of Paradise
* 1000 EC – Family Health and Home
* 1000 EC – Simple Happy Life
* 1000 EC – My kitchen
* 1000 EC – My Whole New World
* 1000 EC – My life and family Journey
* 1000 EC – Palabuzz
* 1000 EC – Healthy Lifestyle
* 125×125 ad block 1 month – Indian Automobiles
* 125×125 ad block 2 months – Web Reviews
* Blog makeover – The Designers Blog
* $5 – Life Marriage And Kids

Fifth Prize: 9,000
* 1000 EC – Johann David
* 1000 EC – Mama’s Sanity
* 1000 EC – The Certified Fashionable
* 1000 EC – Babette’s Definitely MAYBE!
* 1000 EC – Everything PLUS the Kitchen Sink
* 1000 EC – One at a Time
* 1000 EC – Kusinera sa Amerika
* 1000 EC – Words of Love
* 1000 EC – My Library
* 125X125 ad space – Kuerdas
* 1 brooch – My @Ventures pic here.

Sixth Prize: 8,000
* 1000 EC – The Journey Of My life
* 1000 EC – Barbie Doll
* 1000 EC – MB Designs
* 1000 EC –
* 1000 EC – MB Designs
* 1000 EC – Rosa Love’s
* 1000 EC – PinayMamaBlog
* 1000 EC – Journey
* 125×125 banner ads for 1 month – Joyouz Journal and Designs
* 1 set bracelet & earrings – Handmade Jewelry and More pic here.

7th Prize: 7,000
* 500 EC – My Online Diary
* 500 EC – Sahm Random thoughts
* 500 EC – Hit-or-Miss
* 500 EC – SimplyWP
* 500 EC –
* 500 EC – Heartnet02
* 500 EC – Heartnet
* 500 EC – Rapid Shoots
* 500 EC –
* 500 EC – Asian Dramas
* 500 EC – Scandals Prime dot Com
* 500 EC – Life of a Filipina Blogger
* 500 EC – Pictures and Cultures
* 1 month 125×125 ad space – My Home
* 1 bracelet – My Online Adventures

8th Prize: 6,000
* 1000 EC plus 125×125 ad space for a month – Make or Break
* 1000 EC plus 125×125 widget ad- Joys in Life
* 1000 EC plus 1 month 125×125 –
* 1000 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Blessings in Life
* 500 EC plus 125×125 ad block – Blogger Templates
* 500 EC – I Heart Pink
* 500 EC – Simple Life
* 500 EC – MB Online Express
* 1 month 125×125 ad space – Blogs Contests
* 1 pair of earrings – Homemade Beads Jewelry And More pic here.

9th Prize: 5,000
* 500 EC – Diva Fabulosa
* 500 EC – The Pinay Blogger
* 500 EC – Chica Chika
* 500 EC – Health and Beauty Diva
* 500 EC – Davao Life
* 500 EC – Love’s Haven
* 500 EC – So Much To Tell
* 500 EC – Mother Knows Best
* 500 EC – Hairstyle Digest
* 500 EC – Movie Spoiler
* 1 month 125×125 ad space – Davao Food Trip

10th Prize: 4,000
* 1000 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Jobs in
* 1000 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Ivory Tasks
* 1000 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Pink Thoughts
* 1000 EC plus 125×125 ad space for 1 month – Posh Thoughts
* 1 month 125×125 ad space – Pinoy Recipes Collection

Special Prizes: US Only

* Amigurumi Bunny – Cathy’s Sweet Pea Toad Store (pic here or here to see the prize) – US only
* 1 pair of scarf & crochet hat – MB Online Express – US only
* 1 pair of earrings – Wonderful Things In Life
* 1 hanes longsleeve – My Life’s Adventure
* 3 pcs. of miniture basket – Health Is Wealth

Check it out and you will be amazed. Come and join now. Blessings to you all!

How to Make a Badge Button for Blog?

For a couple of months I was wondering on how to make a badge where friends could easily connect with me. I checked many sites before but I don’t know how? Then few weeks ago I saw a new badge from friend. I was longing to have one too but because of my limited time, it takes time for me to make a new one.

Once in a while I have to check from my friend’s blog at His-Her Story who also a newbie like me. I tried a lot of times before but I failed. So I stop trying and wait for the right time for me to make one and besides my schedule won’t allow me.

Weeks past, then I tried clicking again and found out this badge. I was so excited to have my own badge with the help of my friend’s site then I’ve found this Zakkalife which is helpful and easy without knowing anything about HTML. I’ve found this site through my friend Genebei. Friends are really a treasure. And it’s nice to have one! Thank you for the help.

Then I also found this site at Comment Box Colors. Where you can select the button of your choice and do a little of editing. You really find it enjoyable and resourceful.

I’m so excited to post my badge.

This is the original badge, I chose this because my favorite color is green. It looks like this.


Comment Box

This is the result of my trying moments few months ago, lol!

His Unfailing Love

Comment Box

Linky Love for my FC this week myspace graphic comments
Graphics for Thank You Comments

I like giving linky notes for my FC. She really gave me a smile since the start of the week. Thank you Mariuca for giving some tips, now I’m inspired to give for my first FC a “linky thank you note”. Giving post is something that we need to treasure. It gives you a smile.

I’m glad to give this linky love note to my first commentator. Thank you Janet for your comments. I hope you drop by and give precious comments again.

Thank you for giving me a smile!

What is Blogsvertise?

Since I started blogging last year, I find it very interesting because I’m not just writing anything about my family but many opportunities were given on line. That’s where I kept on enjoying while surfing the net. It’s not so easy at first, but with the help of our friend via internet I was able to manage.

I have asked my friend about sites that gave revenues lately, so I can make money on line. And she introduced this site I started to check the site and I’ve found out that they offer rewards for those who are willing to join. You can earn cash by blogging, and generate extra income from your blog. Sounds good, right? They want it publicize and expose to different bloggers worldwide.

And through the use of the internet blogsvertise pays via paypal in every task, blog entry or anything you wrote or even by mentioning their website on your blog. For me, it’s great, you earn income from your blog and besides it helps increase more traffic especially that I am just starting my blog.

They also featured blogvertize bloggers if you check this website. Young and old alike are welcome. Anybody can join as long as you are at the legal age and willing to write anything about this site you are free to join and be a part of this global network via internet.

So, why wait, join now and enjoy earning while blogging!

Open House Promotions

Promotions are not easy. It takes hard time, giving yourself into it, and giving up your other needs. That’s what we did since yesterday until tomorrow. We were having an Open House activity. All private schools and technologies all over the city will do some promotions for their own school. And students were brought by their teachers to see the different promotions designed by each school.

On the first day, that was last Monday, our Thai manager did some promotions on stage with other schools, each school will represent a show or something to promote the school. While surfing the net the other day I found out about advertising and promotions. Our manager did the same. He looks different with a funny face. You really need to do something to attract the attention of the students. So, each school has its own role to play.

We gave out brochures to students and invited to do some activities we prepared for them and gave out gifts. It’s fun, though the place was so hot yet were able to manage. It’s a great day today!

AJ’s 6th Birthday

AJ while waiting for his friends to come…
His birthday cakes. We’re surprised that two of our friends brought a cake for AJ.

His friends…

The blowing of 6 candles…

The food prepared..

Life is a gift from God. And for me, a birthday is something to be treasured. Today, our son AJ turns 6. He was so excited a week past and naming all his friends expecting them to come and surprise him. I was asking him if we will just eat outside just like McDonald’s or other known places in Hatyai but still insisting that he wanted his friends to come and visit him on his birthday.

When he woke up this morning, he was so happy telling and asking me just to make sure, “Mama, today is my birthday? And he continues; “Look at my face, and my muscles too, it’s big now”. He’s so excited to be a man, oh boy! He’s just 6, lol!

Anyway, our friends came especially our neighbors before and other friends. AJ was so excited seeing their special friends. And of course, as a child, having gifts make him happy, was so happy with a sweet smile receiving gifts from friends.

The New Year Started

It seems that New Year has just began but the memories of having parties are still fresh. The start of the year, is indeed a blessing from the Lord and keeps on going and moving forward to another step of life. Another opportunity to make things right and doing something for the kingdom.

This week we had the opportunity to teach and mingle with our students again. Its also a time to share the experience we have had last year and to encourage them to keep on learning. It’s indeed a privilege.

Hope this year will be a blessed year to everyone. Though sometimes we may fail, fall and discouraged. Let’s keep on moving in reaching our goal for we know that He who promised is Faithful…