Open House Promotions

Promotions are not easy. It takes hard time, giving yourself into it, and giving up your other needs. That’s what we did since yesterday until tomorrow. We were having an Open House activity. All private schools and technologies all over the city will do some promotions for their own school. And students were brought by their teachers to see the different promotions designed by each school.

On the first day, that was last Monday, our Thai manager did some promotions on stage with other schools, each school will represent a show or something to promote the school. While surfing the net the other day I found out about advertising and promotions. Our manager did the same. He looks different with a funny face. You really need to do something to attract the attention of the students. So, each school has its own role to play.

We gave out brochures to students and invited to do some activities we prepared for them and gave out gifts. It’s fun, though the place was so hot yet were able to manage. It’s a great day today!