Our Awaited Day is Over

Life is tough at times, hurting, painful yet encouraging, hoping and longing for the best. That’s what I feel now, mixed emotions, quite sad but still thanking the Lord, for He knows what is best for us. Yesterday, I wrote about my appointment with my doctor. Today we went for check up and found out through an ultrasound that the baby is totally gone. We just thought that the bleeding that I’ve gone through was just from myoma, only to find out that our baby is totally gone with all the bleeding and the pain.

I could not explain my emotions, I felt sad yet clinging on the Lord and to be still. Hubby felt sad the most but can’t explain his emotions. I understand, I have a lot of what if’s thoughts and feelings. But we have nothing to do, the baby is gone. But I still need an operation for the myoma to be taken away. The doctor said, if the myoma is smaller it will be gone by drinking some medicine. If the myoma is 5 cm or bigger than that, operation is required. My myoma is already 7.8cm so I need an operation.

All things work together for good to those who love God and do His will. I always cling to that promise.


13 thoughts on “Our Awaited Day is Over”

  1. I am so sorry to hear that you lost your precious baby. May God be with you during this time of grieving over your loss AND also having surgery. Just keep on trusting in Him.

    We don't always understand why situations like this happen in our life; only the Lord God knows.

    I will have you in my thoughts and prayers today!

    Big Hug from me to you! ((((()))))

  2. ate sorry to hear about that..I'm sad too but reading your post with so much trust and confidence in God, I'm blessed of how strong you are in HIM. You're always in our prayers.

  3. I want to cry because I know exactly how you are feeling right now. It's so numbing, and surreal. It feels like everything is in slow motion. I've had two miscarriages, and I didn't want to talk to anybody. It is a loss, and it's okay to mourn for that baby. The only encouragement I can give you is that you will see your baby in heaven again one day.


  4. so sorry to hear about this. i can not fathom how it hurts… but do rest in the knowledge that God is sovereign and nothing comes as a surprise for Him…

  5. Sorry to hear about the bad news, sis. Be strong and keep the faith. God will heal your aches and pain in time.

    I also had two miscarriages. But God gave me not only one but two healthy kids in between the two failed pregnancies.

    Before you know it you'll be writing about another good news, that is, an upcoming baby.

    We'll be here to pray for you.

  6. sarah, thanks for replying in my blog. i am trying to think of more words for comfort… but i am just as speechless. Just one thing though… please take time to grieve.

  7. I feel you and i also feel sad about your lost.. Im sorry. I dont know what to say but please just hang on.. dont give up. So much beautiful things ahead for you and your family.

  8. God sees. He knows. He is in control. God will give back everything the enemy has stolen. the best is yet to come. hang in there, sarah.

  9. I am so sorry you had to experience this too. I know how you feel, I had a miscarriage last year too.

    I hope in time that you will recover from this experience.

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