AJ’s Journey

Thailand is already part of our lives. It has been a place where our son AJ learned to many things. He was only 2 when we went to Thailand. He even had no idea of speaking our language since he just started to learn how to speak. Now he’s 8 and could still speak and remember his Thai words learned. In 2008, when we first came back to our country, Philippines. I could still remember, he didn’t want to go back to our country because he thought that Thailand was his place of comfort. He cried a lot after few months and didn’t want to go to school as well. He was feeling awkward and didn’t know how to speak the language and didn’t understand either.

Gradually, he learned to commune with people and found friends in the school. We came back in October of 2008 and went to school in November. But we were surprised that he learned fast and the teacher wanted to give him an award; however, the principal of the school won’t allow it to happen since he came to school in November and not in June (opening of classes).

Now, he’s in Grade 2 (how time flies), he is already learning fast and earned awards. Last Sunday, we brought him to the hospital due to vomiting, stomach pain and lbm (loss bowel movement). There were several tests given to him and there were specialists in gastro-intestinal who did some check ups to make sure that he will be fine. Praise God everything was normal and okay. All the lab tests were okay except that his spleen and liver have mild enlargement. And according to the doctor his inside tummy was like an adult. Yesterday, he went out and the doctor told him to minimize eating or no to overeating since a normal weight of an 8 year-old is only 24kg and his weight now is already 43kg. And he was agreeing then since he knew he loves and enjoys eating…hhuh!
